This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Squeeze Page Toolkit for WordPress


The Squeeze Page Toolkit is the simplest and easiest way for busy business owners to get smart with their marketing, by creating landing pages that generate leads and get them customers. This official integration for WordPress makes it super-easy to host your squeeze pages on your WordPress website.

The toolkit is specifically designed for business owners who are not particularly technical, but just want to focus on growing their business. The toolkit allows you to create landing pages and squeeze pages that directly create more business, either from building a list of prospects or through creating landing pages with special offers.

The benefits of the Squeeze Page Toolkit on WordPress:

  • Use the existing templates to create pages that build your business by allowing customers to choose to join your database of customers using lead magnets.
  • Your pages are loaded from your website, which helps you to use some advertising networks, such as Google Adwords.
  • Your landing pages are completely independent of your theme, which means you can change your theme as much as you like without needing to worry about your landing pages going wrong.
  • You can benefit from all of the useful statistics, so that you know how well your pages are performing without needing to do any techie stuff.

To use this WordPress plugin, you’ll need a Squeeze Page Toolkit account. You can get a 30-day free trial account or you can watch a demo to see how the toolkit works.


  • This screenshot shows how you set up a single landing page (or squeeze page) by selecting an existing page from the squeeze page toolkit and then customising the URL within WordPress.
  • This shows the settings page for the plugin.
  • This is an example squeeze page as hosted on a WordPress website.


  1. Download the zip package for this plugin.
  2. Go to Install Plugins and Upload within WP admin, choose the downloaded zip file and click on the Upload button.
  3. Activate the plugin once it has been uploaded.
  4. Once installed, you will need to re-save your permalinks. Go to Permalinks in WP admin, and click on the Save Changes button.
  5. You’ll need to go into your Squeeze Page Toolkit account on the WordPress page and get Your Access Key. Copy and paste that Access Key into the settings page. (Reached by visiting by visiting Squeeze Pages and then Settings in WP admin).


Why do I need a Squeeze Page Toolkit account?

All of the clever stuff that makes the landing pages work effectively is all done by the Squeeze Page Toolkit. The WordPress plugin allows you to use your landing pages with Google Adwords as they require that your landing page URL matches a real website.

Packages for the toolkit start at £19+VAT per month, however, you can also test this WordPress plugin (and the toolkit) by using the 30-day free trial account.

When I’ve connected a Squeeze Page – but I’m getting a 404 message. Help!

  1. Have you updated your permalinks recently? Go to Permalinks in WP admin, and click on the Save Changes button.
  2. If you have any other landing page tools on WordPress, this may interfere with this plugin, so do try disabling them first to see if that resolves the issue.
  3. See the reference about URL compatibility mode for the WordPress plugin.
  4. If that doesn’t solve the issue, then please contact Squeeze Page Toolkit support with what you have in Custom Structure in the Permalinks section in WP admin.

Can I use a squeeze page for my website landing page?

Yes! You can select this option by visiting Squeeze Pages and then Settings. You can use the Use page for for your homepage setting.

Will the landing pages automatically work on mobiles and tablets?

Yes! All pages are automatically mobile responsive.


Gwengolo 3, 2016
This is a great plugin for creating landing pages. It has a clean, easy to use drag & drop interface and several templates, so you can produce great looking landing pages in minutes. It also has integrations with several email marketing platforms and CRM systems. Support is fast and efficient.
Read all 2 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Squeeze Page Toolkit for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Updated libraries to latest and checked version numbers.


  • Improved the stability of the HTML caching for landing pages being copied from the server.


  • Switched server for loading pages.


  • Updated readme file to show current supported WP versions.


  • Verified code is compatible for WordPress 4.3 release.
  • Added change to use the new SPTK API URL.


  • Added support for longer squeeze pages and landing pages by improving page caching support.


  • Added improvement to page fetch for exotic WordPress installations.
  • Changed support links to new Squeeze Page Toolkit website
  • Tested against WordPress 4.0


  • Increased page fetch timeout to 15 seconds.


  • Improved page finding ability to remove a small bug that occurs in very rare situations.
  • Added a new squeeze page cache flush capability where the pages on WordPress website are refreshed when updated on SPTK.
  • Added support for squeeze pages that work with split testing.


  • Added new reminder message about updating permalinks when updated or installed.
  • Added manual override for the URL if WordPress URLs don’t work.


  • Feature – Improvements for handling permalinks for blogs with different setups.
  • Now available via the repository.


  • Feature – Added ability to set a squeeze page as your homepage.
  • Bug Fix – Added small adjustment to handle the homepage incorrectly redirecting to the homepage.


  • Bug Fix – Added support to allow the tookit to work with /%category%/%postname%/ permalinks.


  • Feature – Added support for ensuring the thanks page is shown on your WordPress website, rather than on the Squeeze Page Toolkit.


  • Feature – Added ability to update squeeze pages on WordPress when you’ve changed them on the Squeeze Page Toolkit.


  • Bug Fix – Issue with updating saying that the plugin has not updated, when it has.


  • Bug Fix – Added improved method of handling the squeeze page URL for better compatibility


  • Initial Release